Please watch the video below

I want to thank you again for joining the Rapid Anxiety Elimination Program.
This is going be fun and enlightening. 🙂
How it works
Every week you’ll receive a lesson. There are 12 lessons in all. Go through the lessons step by step every week. Apply what the lesson teaches you. This is about doing not listening and expecting a miracle transformation without you doing anything. You’ve got to put the work in.
Please bookmark every email from me and download every lesson. Lessons are sent out automatically via Mailchimp and NOT by me. Due to fraud I cannot send you links to any lessons or files you may have deleted. In the past people have shared my files illegally so it's your responsibility to book mark and download anything from me.
Why you should stick with this program.
1. There are many reasons why you should stick with this program; the main reason is if you keep quitting one thing and going to another you’ll never get anywhere. You’ll feel deflated that this is yet another thing you have quit.
2. 100’s of people are on the same program as you right now! Every day I receive messages telling me how much they enjoy it. Each of your lessons is sequential and delivered by autoresponder. We strongly encourage you to stick with this for the entire 12 week duration. I know you’re chomping at the bit to improve but BE PATIENT. You won't reverse a lifetime's thinking in 1 week. Obsessing over this program is the last thing I want you to do. Take it easy let it sink in, take your time.
3. I am contactable from 9am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday if there is a technical issue which is my fault. I close weekends please don’t contact me out of hours or on the weekend as it's my “me time”. Please do not send me messages/ calls to my phone other than email in between those times. As part of your training you will learn about boundaries and how setting boundaries combats anxiety. Please respect my right to privacy when I finish work.
4. If you listen to the mp3 don't expect to “switch your mind off”, that would be dangerous. Your mind can’t switch off otherwise you would die. Like any new skill it takes times to learn it. Learning to relax again is a process so be patient and it will come.
5. Occasionally people on this program want to add personal guidance from me. These sessions can either be telephone call or video call via Skype. These sessions are charged at £75 for up to 1 hour.
So I'm getting messages saying that they can't get recordings to play on their phone. This is an iPhone issue as they want everything to go through iTunes. The solution is this. When you click the link it takes you to a google drive page. There you must download the file (look for the download symbol below) and it will then store the file in a section on your phone called Files (usually blue). From there on you can listen. So there's an option to download on the link page. Look for it, it's there.

The next issue is that the phone recording goes off after a minute. That's your phones sleep mode kicking in and not a problem with the recording. You can disable sleep mode via settings on your phone. I appreciate you taking the time to read this iPhone users.
Here’s lesson 1.
Remember every week we’ll send you an email with a download link to the next lesson in the series. This email will always include Rapid Anxiety Elimination Program in the subject line.
If you’re like me you hate it when people waffle on so I don’t add more work to your plate by going into long explanations. All my communications will be short and to the point. Simply click the links below and listen or read read the PDF (or both if you prefer). (Twice would be preferable to take it all in). Do the assignment and reap the rewards. That’s it waffle over!
Step 1
Your anxiety has been lying to you!
Listen to the narrated version of the first lesson (Recommended) Click Here
The PDF VERSION of the first lesson can be found here: Click Here
Step 2
The power of intention
Listen to the narrated version of the first lesson (Recommended) Click Here
The PDF VERSION of the first lesson can be found here: Click Here
Here is a narrated version of your Morning Intentions. Click Here
Please note you can change your phone alarm to the Morning Intentions above. Please refer to YouTube or ask a teenager to help with this. As every phone is different I cant help with this. However it works on Samsung and Apple phones so it can be done.
Step 3
Gold Standard Hypnotherapy
Cinema Scenario Hypnotherapy mp3
Please listen to the following hypnotherapy recording at least once until your next lesson. The following recording will help your subconscious mind to put your future goals into the forefront of your mind.
Simply click the below link and either download it or play from your computer/ phone /tablet. Lie down or sit on your favourite chair, turn off all notifications, pop on your headphones and let me do the work. Don’t worry if you fall asleep it still works.
Cinema Scenario Hypnotherapy mp3 Click Here.
Step 4
Anxiety Reducing Hypnotherapy mp3
Please listen to the following hypnotherapy recording every day until your next lesson.
Simply click the below link and either download it or play from your computer/ phone /tablet. Lie down or sit on your favourite chair, turn off all notifications, pop on your headphones and let me do the work. Don’t worry if you fall asleep it still works.
Anxiety Reducing Hypnotherapy mp3 Click Here.
If you’re on Facebook, please join my Facebook members group for Students of this program. Weekly support, motivation, updates and much more. Click Here to join!
All the best,
Steve Norton